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Learning to be an Ambitious Science Teacher

Journal Article

Learning to be an Ambitious Science Teacher

Since the release of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), students are expected to learn science according to the three-dimensions (DCI, SEP, CCC). In order for teachers to support the three-dimensional learning of their students, they need ...

By Alex Gerber, Heather Milo

Crosscutting Concepts Disciplinary Core Ideas Leadership NGSS Professional Learning Science and Engineering Practices Three-Dimensional Learning

Building Research Communities for Life Science Transfer Students: Improving Retention and Student Outcomes

Journal Article

Building Research Communities for Life Science Transfer Students: Improving Retention and Student Outcomes

Many initiatives attempt to smooth transitions between 2-year colleges and 4-year universities, but retention and graduation rates for transfer-students are still low, especially in STEM. The Transfer-student Research and Integration Program (TRIP) a...

By Ian Biazzo, Kenneth Fedorka, Kimberly Schneider, Ken Teter

Leadership Pedagogy STEM

Leading Effective Science Curriculum-Based Learning

Journal Article

Leading Effective Science Curriculum-Based Learning

Leadership Matters...

By Patrick Brown, Rodger W Bybee, Joseph Taylor

Elementary Curriculum Leadership Learning Progression Teaching Strategies

Implementing Universal Design for Learning in the Higher Education Science Classroom

Journal Article

Implementing Universal Design for Learning in the Higher Education Science Classroom

There is a growing need for college science faculty to teach a diverse group of learners. The Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework can be used to create inclusive learning materials and activities in the higher education science classroom. A...

By Breanne Kirsch, Theodore Bryan, David Hoferer

Postsecondary Inclusion Leadership Pedagogy Professional Learning Teaching Strategies

The Influence of Learning Assistants on Faculty Use of Student-Centered Instruction

Journal Article

The Influence of Learning Assistants on Faculty Use of Student-Centered Instruction

The Learning Assistant (LA) Program is a near-peer teaching model with three key components: 1) reevaluation of curriculum and lesson design to incorporate undergraduate LAs as a central part of the course, 2) a seminar attended by first-time LAs whe...

By Cameron Hill, Kathryn Spilios, Anthony Barrasso

Postsecondary Curriculum Leadership Teacher Preparation Teaching Strategies

Using Structured Academic Controversy for STEM Education Leadership Programs

Journal Article

Using Structured Academic Controversy for STEM Education Leadership Programs

As ethical issues involving computer technologies and social media become more common, there is increasing interest in what role ethics should play in Computer Science education. As a result, Computer Science departments worldwide have increased effo...

By Mariana Alvidrez, Christopher Villa, Elaine Hampton

Administration Computer Science Leadership STEM Teaching Strategies

Three Transformative Leadership Practices

Journal Article

Three Transformative Leadership Practices

What does it take to prioritize science instruction in an elementary system? In this article, we’ll examine three transformative leadership practices underway in a Title-1 school district in Central Phoenix and their role in shifting the district c...

By Rebecca Abbott, Meredith Moran, and Alicia Baier Wideman, 

Elementary Administration Leadership

SoTL Clusters: Faculty-focused Needs-Based Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Support

Journal Article

SoTL Clusters: Faculty-focused Needs-Based Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Support

To further teaching and learning, there has been a push to engage faculty to pursue research on teaching. With the recognition that science research often occurs in research teams, we sought to create a research-cluster approach to support faculty en...

By , ,

Leadership New Science Teachers Preservice Science Education Teacher Preparation

Transforming Science Education in an Age of Misinformation

Journal Article

Transforming Science Education in an Age of Misinformation

Scientific misinformation has reached alarming proportions. Here, we summarize a new expert report, Science Education in an Age of Misinformation, that outlines what science education can do to address this problem and, given the urgency, must do. I...

By , ,

Leadership Literacy Teaching Strategies

Journal Article

Student Self-Care in the Sciences

Instructor support is associated with various positive outcomes for students. Self-care (taking care of one’s physical, mental, and emotional health) has become a mainstream concept. Self-care may be one way for students to increase wellness, parti...

By Carly Yadon

Advocacy Leadership Preservice Science Education Teaching Strategies

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