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Journal Article

Not Your Average Parachute

By Kelsey Lipsitz, Fred Stein, Lynn Rankin, Barry Kluger-Bell, and Rachel Jordan

Elementary Crosscutting Concepts Disciplinary Core Ideas NGSS Science and Engineering Practices Teacher Preparation Teaching Strategies

Journal Article

Heat Reinvented

By Helen Zhang, David Jackson, Jeffrey Kiel, Leigh Estabrooks, So Lim Kim, Deoksoon Kim, Stephanie Couch, and G. Michael Barnett

Middle School Crosscutting Concepts Curriculum Engineering Interdisciplinary Multicultural Physical Science Science and Engineering Practices STEM

Journal Article

Collaboration Crushes Competition!

By Lucinda Hemmick, Dame Forbes, Robert Bolen, Mary Kroll, Dianna Gobler, John Halloran, Vivian Stojanoff, and Aleida Perez

High School Chemistry Physics Science and Engineering Practices STEM

Journal Article

Reimagining the 5 Practices for Effective and Equitable Discourse

By Kristin Cook, Sahar Alameh, Cathrine Maiorca, L. Octavia Tripp, Craig Schroeder, Margaret Mohr-Schroeder

Elementary Informal Education Pre-service Teachers Engineering Lesson Plans Science and Engineering Practices STEM

Journal Article

Ready, Set, Create: Engineers Inspiring Youth to Build Their Dreams

By Jennifer Jocz, Paul Dusenbery, Keliann LaConte, and Jeannine Finton

Informal Education Careers Engineering Science and Engineering Practices STEM

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