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Journal Article

From User to Creator

By Amanda Gonczi, Chuck Palosaari, Alex Mayer, and Noel Urban

High School Computer Science Engineering Labs Pedagogy Science and Engineering Practices STEM

Journal Article

Data at a Distance

By Seth Van Doren, Lisa Hardy, Colin Dixon, and Sherry Hsi

High School Biology Labs Pedagogy Research Science and Engineering Practices

Journal Article

How the Data Got Their Dots

By Lisa Hardy, Colin Dixon, Seth Van Doren, and Sherry Hsi

High School Biology Labs Pedagogy Research Science and Engineering Practices Teaching Strategies Technology

Journal Article

Culturally Relevant Partnerships in the Engineering Design Process

By Meredith W. Kier, Lauren A. Grob, Kelly G. Leffel, Deena Khalil, and Turhan Carroll

Engineering Equity Science and Engineering Practices STEM Teaching Strategies

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