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Journal Article

Beyond the Field Trip

By Elizabeth Barrett-Zahn

Elementary Interdisciplinary Teacher Preparation

Journal Article

The New Normal

By Chris Anderson

High School Advocacy Teacher Preparation

Journal Article

Less Text, More Learning

English language learners are increasingly entering classrooms using student-centered instruction that places a greater emphasis on spoken language....

By Benjamin Wiggins, Hannah Jordt, and Kerri Wingert

Postsecondary Preservice Science Education Teacher Preparation Teaching Strategies

Journal Article

Learning Science With Mobile Technologies

The use of technology is increasing rapidly in our society, and classroom teachers must recognize the impact and importance of technology in the liv...

By Deepika Menon, Zarah Salas, Allison Mellendick, Meera Chandrasekhar, and Dorina Kosztin

Postsecondary Preservice Science Education Teacher Preparation

Journal Article

A Journey to Acceptance

The main objective of this study was to characterize the acceptance of evolution among biology majors. Semi-structured interviews were carried out t...

By Chad Talbot, Zeegan George, and T. Heath Ogden

Postsecondary Biology Teacher Preparation

Journal Article

Concept Maps for Structuring Instruction and as a Potential Assessment Tool in a Large Introductory Science Course

Concept maps make connections between ideas apparent, and thus would seem ideally suited to demonstrate learning. Yet, they are not widely used by i...

By Carl-Georg Bank and Heidi Daxberger

Postsecondary Assessment Preservice Science Education Teacher Preparation

Journal Article

Negative Student Response to Active Learning in STEM Classrooms:

Recent research has supported the use of student-centered teaching practices, such as active learning, because of its effectiveness in improving stu...

By Prateek Shekhar, Maura Borrego, Matt DeMonbrun, Cynthia Finelli, Caroline Crockett, and Kevin Nguyen

Postsecondary Teacher Preparation

Journal Article

Student Perceptions of Open Educational Resources Video-Based Active Learning in University-Level Biology Classes:

We quantified student perceptions of an active learning exercise, based on open-educational video resources, in both a first-year seminar class (Nat...

By Gary D. Grossman and Troy N. Simon

Postsecondary Biology Instructional Materials Teacher Preparation

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