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Journal Article

Comparison of Student Success Between High-Clicker and Low-Clicker Frequency in a Large-Enrollment Introductory Biology Course

Active-learning approaches have recently been broadly promoted on many campuses, but research is limited on how varying levels of interaction impact s...

By Lauren Shea, Chantale Bégin, Christopher Osovitz, and Luanna Prevost

Biology Teaching Strategies

Journal Article

Peer Review and Response

Students in an upper-division Environmental Chemistry course used peer review and response to reviewer comments to improve their writing skills. The p...

By Dulani Samarasekara, Todd Mlsna, and Deb Mlsna

Postsecondary Chemistry Literacy Teaching Strategies

Journal Article

Student-Driven Research in the First Year

We designed the Integrated Sciences First-Year Program (ISFP) to introduce students to the nature and process of science early in their academic caree...

By Christina Cianfrani, Sarah Hews, and Christene DeJong

Postsecondary Research Teaching Strategies

Journal Article

Fostering Nonscientist Thinking on Evolution Concepts Through the Teaching for Transformative Experiences in Science (TTES) Model

Understanding of evolution is foundational to be a scientifically literate citizen because it allows analysis of socioscientific issues, such as biodi...

By Rachel Sparks and Rebekka Darner

Biology Pedagogy Teacher Preparation Teaching Strategies

Journal Article

An Investigation Into the Impact of the Flipped Classroom With Active Learning on the Perception and Performance of Biology Nonmajor Students at the Undergraduate Level

We carried out a study of an instructional model that integrates flipped classroom with active learning, in-class activities into our biology course, ...

By Bina Rai, Julia Yajuan Zhu, Dawn C-I Koh, Khoo Xiaojuan, Lakshminarasimhan Krishnaswamy, Rajesh Chandramohanadas, Ong Eng Shi, and Pey Kin Leong

Postsecondary Biology Pedagogy Teacher Preparation Teaching Strategies

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