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Web Seminar Series

WI25: Supporting Student Sensemaking with the Crosscutting Concepts: Topic Study for K-12 Educators

Students who use CCCs regularly build confidence in their science practices and develop a stronger sense of science identity. Each session presents participants with the opportunity to consider the different ways in which the CCCs can be used in the ...

Postsecondary Elementary High School Informal Education Middle School Preschool General Science

Web Seminar

Archive: FA24: Catching Up & Charging Ahead: Safely Using Li-Ion Batteries in Our School Classrooms/Laboratories, October 28, 2024

Lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries have an increased presence in our school classrooms and laboratory instructional spaces, including cell phones, tablets, laptops, and equipment. However, Science/STEM teachers nationwide are forced to adopt and make use...

Preschool Elementary Middle School High School Postsecondary Informal Education General Science

Some Physics of Wheels and Tires

Journal Article

Some Physics of Wheels and Tires

Focus on Physics...

By Paul G. Hewitt

High School Physics Teaching Strategies

Exploring the Favorites in Science Education Issue

Journal Article

Exploring the Favorites in Science Education Issue

Editor's Corner...

By Ann Haley Mackenzie

High School Teaching Strategies

Teaching about the Critical Role of Key Scientific Institutions

Journal Article

Teaching about the Critical Role of Key Scientific Institutions

Fact or Faux?...

By Andy Zucker, Jocelyn Miller

High School Literacy News

Geology from a Beaker: Student Activities in Earth Science

Journal Article

Geology from a Beaker: Student Activities in Earth Science

Student activities based on deposition in a beaker introduce Walther’s Law, which states that, if uninterrupted, vertical deposition is duplicated in the horizontal. When gravel, sand, and clay (mud) are stirred in a beaker of water, they settle ou...

By Jr. Miller

High School Earth & Space Science Labs

Coral Diseases: Incorporating Scientific Research and Authentic Learning into the High School Science Classroom

Journal Article

Coral Diseases: Incorporating Scientific Research and Authentic Learning into the High School Science Classroom

This article discusses an innovative approach to science education focused on engaging students through authentic learning experiences and hands-on activities. It emphasizes the importance of linking classroom instruction with real-world science rese...

By Ashley Booker, Katherine Eaton

High School Earth & Space Science Interdisciplinary Pedagogy Research

Blockbuster Science: Checking our positions

Journal Article

Blockbuster Science: Checking our positions

Media has always played a significant role in shaping education. Visual cues and observable phenomena brought to life on screens or through vivid and engrossing sound effects make science accessible to people in ways that textbooks, journals and tech...

By Joy Barnes-Johnson

High School Advocacy Literacy

Finding Zero: Exploring Mathematical Models with Pendulum Paintings

Journal Article

Finding Zero: Exploring Mathematical Models with Pendulum Paintings

Pendulum paintings are fun to make and fascinating to observe in process, but they can be used to model real scientific analysis using messy data. In this activity, students create pendulum paintings and develop an analysis using measurements of mult...

By Daniel McKinney

High School Interdisciplinary Mathematics Phenomena

Going Beneath the Surface: Using Socioscientific Issues to Explore Human Impacts on Soil

Journal Article

Going Beneath the Surface: Using Socioscientific Issues to Explore Human Impacts on Soil

Socioscientific issues (SSIs) can help students think about the moral and ethical issues related to science. When SSI issues are based on local phenomena and issues within students’ communities, they can also resonate more with students....

By Jesse Wilcox, William Lange, Shane Breheny

High School Earth & Space Science Equity Inquiry Interdisciplinary Social Justice

Skulls & Scatterplots: Students Analyze Sloth Body Size Variation in the Bocas del Toro Island Region

Journal Article

Skulls & Scatterplots: Students Analyze Sloth Body Size Variation in the Bocas del Toro Island Region

In this unit, students explore the phylogeography of three-toed sloths (Bradypus pygmaeus and Bradypus variegatus) endemic to the Bocas del Toro islands off the Caribbean coast of Panama. After learning about the geologic history of this region, stu...

By Tyler St. Clair, Kristen Conklin-Kearney

High School Biology Interdisciplinary Teaching Strategies

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