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Resources university science and mathematics students use to replace or supplement lectures in the 21st century: A case study

Journal Article

Resources university science and mathematics students use to replace or supplement lectures in the 21st century: A case study

The development of web-based technologies in recent decades has provided ready access to a wealth of on-line educational resources, and despite concerns that availability of on-line recorded lectures impacts on-campus attendance, we believe there nee...

By Andrew Seen, Tony Kerr, Joee Kelk, Sharon Fraser

Distance Learning Mathematics Teaching Strategies Technology

Value Creation in a Pedagogically-focused Faculty Online Learning Community

Journal Article

Value Creation in a Pedagogically-focused Faculty Online Learning Community

Faculty online learning communities (FOLCs) can help faculty effectively adopt and persist in using research-based curricula. This paper documents faculty perspectives on the value they gained from participating in a multi-year FOLC designed to help ...

By Fred Goldberg, Edward Price, Mo Basir, Lawrence Escalada, Steven Maier, Steven Sahyun, Tamara Snyder, Liang Zeng

Distance Learning Pedagogy Teaching Strategies

Investigating Effects of Emergency Remote Teaching on Biology Teaching Assistants and their Approaches to Teaching

Journal Article

Investigating Effects of Emergency Remote Teaching on Biology Teaching Assistants and their Approaches to Teaching

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Biology Teaching Assistants (TAs) were tasked with transitioning and adapting their instruction to an online environment by quickly implementing Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT) practices. Effective online and in-person ...

By Amy Kulesza, Susan D'Agostino, Lucía Chacón-Díaz

Postsecondary Biology Distance Learning Teacher Preparation Teaching Strategies

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