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Journal Article

Constructive Error Climate: A Classroom Assessment Technique in Science Classes

Although making errors in the learning process is common, it is usually perceived by students as something negative and a potential threat to self-esteem. Such perception often prevents students from considering errors as learning opportunities. By...

By Yunteng He

Postsecondary Assessment Preservice Science Education Research

Journal Article

Outcomes for Peer-Based Mentors in a University-Wide STEM Persistence Program: A Three-Year Analysis

While the majority of STEM persistence has focused on outcomes for first-year students, there has been little investigation into the outcomes for peer mentors. Of the studies conducted, results are promising. Benefits for peer mentors include a cha...

By Dean T. Spaulding, Jelane A. Kennedy, Amanda Rozsavolgyi, and Wilfredo Colón

Postsecondary Preservice Science Education Research Teacher Preparation

Journal Article

Classroom Observations to Characterize Active Learning Within Introductory Undergraduate Science Courses

In this article, the authors describe how classroom observations were used to characterize differences in instructional practices among undergraduate science courses. Student and faculty behaviors and dialogues were quantified using the Teaching Di...

By Katherine McCance, Timothy Weston, and Emily Niemeyer

Postsecondary Research Teaching Strategies

Journal Article

Engineering Essential Attributes of Cooperative Learning and Quality Discourse in a Large Enrollment Course by Leveraging Clicker Devices

This article describes how clickers (student response systems) may be used to assess and support the development of productive process skills and discourse patterns within student teams during class periods. Clicker questions may poll the class abo...

By Christopher Bauer

Postsecondary Research Teaching Strategies

Journal Article

Action Research for Science Teachers

By Scott B. Watson and Michelle J. Barthlow

Literacy Research Teaching Strategies

Science Curriculum Topic Study: Bridging the Gap Between Three-Dimensional Standards, Research, and Practice, Second Edition

NSTA Press Book

Science Curriculum Topic Study: Bridging the Gap Between Three-Dimensional Standards, Research, and Practice, Second Edition

Scientific literacy for all students requires a deep understanding of the three dimensions of science education: disciplinary content, scientific and engineering practices, and crosscutting concepts. If you actively engage students in using and apply...

By Page Keeley, Joyce Tugel

Elementary High School Middle School Engineering STEM Assessment Curriculum NGSS Professional Learning old Research Teacher Preparation

Journal Article

Defining and Measuring STEM Identity and Interest in STEM Learning

A growing number of educators are focused on increasing students’ interest in and developing their identity in relation to science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) as an intended outcome of their out-of-school activities and programs. ...

By Jamie Bell, Kevin Crowley, Martin Storksdieck, John Besley, Matthew A. Cannady, Amy Grack Nelson, Tina Phillips, Kelly Riedinger, and Melissa Ballard

Informal Education Research STEM

NSTA Press Book

Making Sense of Science and Religion: Strategies for the Classroom and Beyond

The authors of Making Sense of Science and Religion believe that addressing interactions between science and religion is part of all science educators’ collective job—and that this is the book that will help you facilitate discussion when the top...

By Joseph W. Shane, Lee Meadows, Ronald S. Hermann, Ian C. Binns

Postsecondary Elementary High School Informal Education Middle School Biology Evolution General Science Life Science Pedagogy Teaching Strategies Advocacy Inclusion New Science Teachers Policy Professional Learning old Research

Journal Article

Practical Program Evaluation

I love data—especially when used to look at learning experiences and figure out what’s working, what isn’t, and what to do next. Not surprisingly, then, I’m quite excited about this issue of Connected Science Learning, which is all about Pr...

By Beth Murphy

Informal Education Assessment Professional Learning old Research STEM

NSTA Press Book

Supporting Emergent Multilingual Learners in Science, Grades 7–12

Many middle and high school teachers are educated to teach science content—they don’t anticipate that one day they may be teaching it to students who need to learn both content and English. If the day has come when you’re facing that two-pronge...

By Molly Weinburgh, Cecilia Silva, Kathy Horak Smith

Elementary High School Informal Education Middle School Curriculum Multilingual Learners Instructional Materials Pedagogy Teaching Strategies Advocacy Careers Equity Inclusion Multicultural New Science Teachers Preservice Science Education Professional Learning old Research Teacher Preparation

NSTA Press Book

Understanding Climate Change, Grades 7–12

Get help teaching one of the hottest topics in science with Understanding Climate Change, Grades 7–12. This nine-session module is written to be practical and accessible. It provides both extensive background and step-by-step instructions for using...

By Laura Tucker, Lois Sherwood

High School Informal Education Middle School Climate Change Environmental Science 5E Assessment Instructional Materials Inquiry Lesson Plans Phenomena Teaching Strategies Three-Dimensional Learning Citizen Science Interdisciplinary Research

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