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Journal Article
The Framework for K–12 Science Education and the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) under-score the importance of including engineering design process (EDP) within the science curriculum. The Framework and the NGSS raised engineering design t...
By Erdogan Kaya, Anna Newley, Ezgi Yesilyurt and Hasan Deniz
Journal Article
Online software systems are extensively used to give students practice on course content, especially in mathematics and physics courses. They offer instant feedback, and several of these systems are open source or very economical compared with hiring...
By Philip Matchett Wood and Vijesh Bhute
Journal Article
As undergraduate institutions rely more heavily on teaching assistants (TAs) they are simultaneously encouraging implementation of course-based research experiences (CBREs). Due to the dynamic nature of CBREs, it is challenging to assign novice TAs t...
By Magdalene K. Moy, Penny L. Hammrich and Karen Kabnick
Journal Article
We describe a hands-on, collaborative activity designed to illustrate general properties of evolution, provide practice for quantitative skills, promote creativity and collaboration, and enable student self-assessment of learning. During the activity...
By Kelly A. Carscadden, Molly T. McDermott, Sheela P. Turbek, Silas B. Tittes and Andrew P. Martin
Journal Article
Formative assessment has been shown to be a critical activity for promoting meaningful understanding in the classroom. Systematic engagement in formative assessment helps instructors to develop a clearer picture of where students stand in relation to...
By Young Ae Kim, Jonathan Cox, Katelyn M. Southard, Lisa Elfring, Paul Blowers and Vicente Talanquer
Journal Article
Modifying Traditional Labs to Target Scientific Reasoning
This article showcases how a physics lab course was successfully redesigned to promote important reasoning abilities not explicitly addressed in the typical college setting. Student development of such abilities is essential for sound decision making...
By Kathleen Koenig, Krista E. Wood, Larry J. Bortner and Lei Bao
Journal Article
Re-imagining the Role of Families as Equal Partners in STEM Learning
By Tarana Khan and Susana Beltran Grimm
Journal Article
Creating Pathways for Equity in STEM Through Family Engagement
By Remy Dou and Heidi Cian
Journal Article
Student-Driven Research in the First Year
We designed the Integrated Sciences First-Year Program (ISFP) to introduce students to the nature and process of science early in their academic career, help them develop skills and competencies, and create an intellectual community of learners to fo...
By Christina Cianfrani, Sarah Hews, and Christene DeJong
Blog Post
Teaching and Learning About COVID-19 During the Pandemic
By Troy D. Sadler, Pat Friedrichsen, Laura Zangori, and Li Ke
Journal Article
Adapting a Popular Technique in College Lecture Halls to K–12 Classrooms
By J. Bryan Henderson
NSTA Press Book
The NSTA Atlas of the Three Dimensions
New in 2020! Download and read a sample chapter from this book to learn more.A key aspect of learning in K–12 education is the idea that what students know and are able to do grows and evolves over time. Simple ideas learned in the early elementary...
By Ted Willard
Journal Article
A physics laboratory instructor used action research to effectively implement a 5E instructional approach, which incorporated scientific practices. The instructor explored how to integrate the instructional approach into practice, challenges presen...
By Ozden Sengul and Renee Schwartz