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All Science and Engineering Practices resources

The Early Years: Becoming Attuned to Sound

Journal Article

The Early Years: Becoming Attuned to Sound

This column discusses resources and science topics related to students in grades preK to 2. This month’s issue provides sound explorations....

Early Childhood Elementary Pre-service Teachers Preschool Physical Science Inquiry Science and Engineering Practices Teaching Strategies

Recognizing Excellence: Pinging: Sound at Work

Journal Article

Recognizing Excellence: Pinging: Sound at Work

A "Teacher at Sea" learns how scientists use sound....

Elementary Earth & Space Science Science and Engineering Practices

The Early Years: Now We're Cooking

Journal Article

The Early Years: Now We're Cooking

This column discusses resources and science topics related to students in grades preK to 2. This month’s issue explores matter through cooking....

Early Childhood Elementary Physical Science Disciplinary Core Ideas Performance Expectations Science and Engineering Practices Teaching Strategies

Engineering Encounters: Engineer It, Learn It: Science and Engineering Practices in Action

Journal Article

Engineering Encounters: Engineer It, Learn It: Science and Engineering Practices in Action

Step into an elementary classroom to see what Next Generation Science Standards practices look like....

Elementary Engineering STEM Science and Engineering Practices

Next Generation Science Standards. For States, By States

Acquired Book

Next Generation Science Standards. For States, By States

Not since the 2011 release of A Framework for K-12 Science Education has a document held such promise and significance for the science education commu...

Elementary High School Middle School Disciplinary Core Ideas Learning Progression NGSS Pedagogy Performance Expectations Science and Engineering Practices Three-Dimensional Learning Professional Learning old Teacher Preparation

NSTA Press Book

Everyday Life Science Mysteries: Stories for Inquiry-Based Science Teaching

How do tiny bugs get into oatmeal? What makes children look like—or different from—their parents? Where do rotten apples go after they fall off th...

By Richard Konicek-Moran

Elementary Middle School General Science Assessment Curriculum Instructional Materials Inquiry Lesson Plans Science and Engineering Practices Teaching Strategies Interdisciplinary Teacher Preparation

NSTA Press Book

Scientific Argumentation in Biology: 30 Classroom Activities

“Individuals who are proficient in science should be able to understand the language of science and participate in scientific practices, such as inq...

By Victor Sampson, Sharon Schleigh

Elementary High School Middle School Biology General Science Life Science Assessment Curriculum Disciplinary Core Ideas Instructional Materials Inquiry Lesson Plans NGSS Phenomena Science and Engineering Practices Teaching Strategies Labs Literacy Teacher Preparation

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