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Journal Article

Does Drinking Milk Cause Strong Bones?

In 1935, individuals living in the United States began to encounter eye-catching posters communicating a variety of public program messages from the W...

By Jacqueline Katz

High School Inquiry Instructional Materials Life Science Literacy

Journal Article

Pathways to Science Literacy

Science concepts connect us to the wonders of the natural universe. Why is the sky blue? [Air molecules behave much like tiny little tuning forks.] Is...

By John Suchocki

High School Equity Inquiry Literacy Pedagogy

Journal Article

Comparing Undergraduate Nature of Science Views in Traditional Versus Inquiry-Taught Science Courses

This qualitative study compares the views about nature of science (NOS) between students enrolled in a traditional lecture and laboratory course and s...

By Alex T. St. Louis and Hayat Hokayem

Inquiry Research Teacher Preparation Teaching Strategies

Journal Article

Teaching Preservice Teachers the Water Cycle With a Conceptual Change Model

The purposes of this study were to examine preservice elementary teachers’ conception of the water cycle; determine if participating in a conceptual...

By Patricia Morrell and Adele Schepige

Earth & Space Science Inquiry Preservice Science Education Teacher Preparation

Journal Article

An Online Introductory Biology Laboratory Utilizing Inquiry-Based Methods Leads to High Student Satisfaction

Online laboratories can be an effective way to introduce students to lab concepts while providing flexibility, increased access, and reduced costs. Ho...

By Colin Harrison, Clarke Britton, Hannah Shin, and Yassin Watson

Biology Distance Learning Inquiry Research

Journal Article

Inquiry-Based Learning on Biomimicry

By Amanda Deliman and Kimberly Lott

Elementary Biology Evolution Inquiry Life Science Literacy

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