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Journal Article

Performance Assessment as Part of Efficient, Effective, and Equitable Instructional Practice

Since the release of the NGSS, science classrooms across the United States have shifted science learning away from a focus on decontextualized facts a...

By Lauren Stoll and Jill Wertheim

High School Assessment Equity NGSS Three-Dimensional Learning

Journal Article

Translanguaging as an Essential Practice in Socially Just Science Classrooms

In this interaction, Manuel and Rico (all names are pseudonyms) expertly mix Spanish and English to communicate as they collect data in a ninth grade ...

By Sarah Braden and Taylor Dexter

Equity Inclusion Interdisciplinary Literacy Multicultural Multilingual Learners

Journal Article

Pathways to Science Literacy

Science concepts connect us to the wonders of the natural universe. Why is the sky blue? [Air molecules behave much like tiny little tuning forks.] Is...

By John Suchocki

High School Equity Inquiry Literacy Pedagogy

Journal Article

Promoting Learning for All Through Explore-Before-Explain

The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) highlight the importance of creating more equitable learning environments and engaging all students in sc...

By Patrick Brown, Jay McTighe, and Rodger Bybee

High School Equity Inclusion Literacy NGSS

Journal Article

Differentiate Science Lessons by Using VR in Station Rotations

Blended learning strategies combined with innovative technology, for example, virtual reality (VR), can be used in science classrooms to differentiate...

By Michael McKenzie and Alex Fegely

Equity Inclusion Instructional Materials STEM Teaching Strategies Technology

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