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The Micro Assignment Guided Inquiry and Collaboration (MAGIC) method: A qualitative discussion of the benefits of active learning through scaffolded assignments in upper-level physics and mathematics

Journal Article

The Micro Assignment Guided Inquiry and Collaboration (MAGIC) method: A qualitative discussion of the benefits of active learning through scaffolded assignments in upper-level physics and mathematics

In this article, we discuss Micro Assignment Guided Inquiry and Collaboration (MAGIC), an active learning method that draws on the merits of inquiry-b...

By R.F. Malenda, S. Talbott, and Scott Walck

Postsecondary Inquiry Instructional Materials Mathematics Physics Teaching Strategies

Authentic assessments for an in-person or online science course for pre-service teachers

Journal Article

Authentic assessments for an in-person or online science course for pre-service teachers

Creating authentic science assessments that engage students in conceptual understanding and provide evidence of their learning is challenging. Student...

By Stefany M. Sit and Laura Zeller

Postsecondary Assessment Preservice Science Education Teacher Preparation Teaching Strategies

Comprehensiveness, frequency, and consistency of science in elementary schedules The role of leaders in supporting elementary science

Journal Article

Comprehensiveness, frequency, and consistency of science in elementary schedules The role of leaders in supporting elementary science

Science in the elementary grades is often deprioritized in comparison to ELA and mathematics. We wondered, how comprehensively, frequently, and consis...

By Elizabeth Davis, Christa Haverly

Elementary Curriculum General Science Pedagogy Teaching Strategies

Designing Trellises: Cultivating Science and Engineering in the Garden

Journal Article

Designing Trellises: Cultivating Science and Engineering in the Garden

Schoolyards and school gardens present a rich context for students to engage with engineering and design. We describe the Designing Trellises unit, an...

By Emily Harris, Ilana Lowe, Lindsey Mohan, Whitney Cohen, Sara Severance, Terra Giotta, Carlo Albano, Jeffrey Snowden

Elementary Earth & Space Science Engineering Lesson Plans Life Science Teaching Strategies

“Hope is a Thing with Wings”: Building Capacity and Resiliency in Urban Students Through a Engaging in a Local Bird Phenomenon

Journal Article

“Hope is a Thing with Wings”: Building Capacity and Resiliency in Urban Students Through a Engaging in a Local Bird Phenomenon

In an age where catastrophic damage from climate-related events circulates through social and print media, it is important to build communities of hop...

By Candace Penrod

Elementary Citizen Science Environmental Science Inclusion Teaching Strategies

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